「Aniplex Online Fest」にてTVアニメ「魔法科高校の劣等生 来訪者編」スペシャル特番の配信が決定いたしました!
番組には中村悠一、早見沙織が出演しTVアニメ「魔法科高校の劣等生 来訪者編」に関するトークや最新情報をお届けします
7月6日(月曜日) 2:00AM~(日本時間)
7月5日(日曜日) 10:00AM~(LA時間)
We are pleased to announce a special online broadcast of "The irregular at magic high school: Visitor ArcSpecial Panel" during Aniplex Online Fest, a virtual festival organized by Aniplex for all anime fans worldwide!
Joined by special guests Yuichi Nakamura and Saori Hayami, "The irregular at magic high school: Visitor ArcSpecial Panel"(English version) will be streaming on YouTube on Sunday, July 5th from 10:00AM (PDT)!
For more details, please visithttps://aniplex-online-fest.com/
「Aniplex Online Fest」にてTVアニメ「魔法科高校の劣等生 来訪者編」スペシャル特番の配信が決定いたしました!
番組には中村悠一、早見沙織が出演しTVアニメ「魔法科高校の劣等生 来訪者編」に関するトークや最新情報をお届けします
7月6日(月曜日) 2:00AM~(日本時間)
7月5日(日曜日) 10:00AM~(LA時間)
We are pleased to announce a special online broadcast of "The irregular at magic high school: Visitor ArcSpecial Panel" during Aniplex Online Fest, a virtual festival organized by Aniplex for all anime fans worldwide!
Joined by special guests Yuichi Nakamura and Saori Hayami, "The irregular at magic high school: Visitor ArcSpecial Panel"(English version) will be streaming on YouTube on Sunday, July 5th from 10:00AM (PDT)!
For more details, please visithttps://aniplex-online-fest.com/